A Slice of Brie

Brie's Journal

Pinterest Rocks!

Written By: Mrs. Hanni - Dec• 24•12

When Kelly first introduced me to Pinterest, I had no idea why she made such a big to-do about it.  Well, now, I am singing its praises!!

Pinterest helped me put together my mom’s surprise Beatles Birthday Bash from start to finish!  Every aspect of the party was made possible by Pinterest!  So, if it proved to be such a success with event planning, why shouldn’t it be just as successful with my life planning.  The deal is, I need to check back to Pinterest frequently in order to take advantage of all it offers for planning and having a more successful day and life!

On homeschooling…  If I just look at the ideas I’ve pinned on a weekly or monthly basis, I will be in good shape where planning is concerned.

Step 1)  Peruse Home’s Cool board.

Step 2)  Pick one to two projects to work on with Sam Sam.

Step 3)  Gather supplies for the project.

Step 4) Have a ball watching Sam work on the project and enjoy the teachable moments as they occur…

Step 5)  Repeat!


Take this same approach with all my boards and perhaps my life can fall further into place in 2013!


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